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RFP# 2024-0326: Community Impacts Research (CIR) Project

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United States
Download the rfp file: CIR RFP# 2024-0326.pdf.

This Request for Proposal (RFP) represents a significant opportunity to enter into a strategic partnership with Vibrant's Equity and Belonging Department. The Equity and Belonging department seeks to partner with highly performing research, evaluation, and community engagement organizations who are familiar with delivering research and community impact solutions within our areas of focus: suicide prevention and emotional wellbeing to develop and execute community engagement strategies for our target populations.
The purpose of engaging the most impacted communities is to increase participation in suicide prevention programs and initiatives; a critical component of the 988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline, as it allows for the development of communityled solutions which ultimately mitigates harm, enhances trust, and reduces mental health stigma.
Through this RFP, Vibrant hereby invites businesses who meet the qualifications and
specifications set forth herein to submit proposals for strategic Community Impacts Research Services.

The primary goal of this RFP is to evaluate perceptions surrounding the use of a suicide crisis hotline by members of four (4) of our seven (7) priority groups listed below. We aim to gather both qualitative and quantitative data to assess awareness and stigma around the use of 988 suicide prevention services, identify trends, assess the effectiveness of current practices, and uncover reasonings for mistrust that leads to disparities/barriers in suicide prevention and access to resources. The analysis of insights garnered will be pivotal for informing deepened strategic planning and execution of all 988 functions.

Please email for a copy of the excel version of Appendix A: Cost Proposal.

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