The Rural Community Assistance Partnership Incorporated (RCAP) is seeking proposals for the publication of its professional guidebooks with the opportunity for engagement on other one-off RCAP publications. RCAP is looking for a firm to design the publication and related print materials, including but not limited to: designing layout, light copyediting, providing photographs and illustrations when needed, providing editable files, and publishing the finished print products.
The purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to solicit proposals from qualified, U.S.based organizations and select the firm whose response and capacity best aligns with our needs and requirements. Our goals for launching this RFP are to:
1. Publish guidebooks on schedule for the various federal grants that require them as a deliverable.
2. Explore and investigate options for print publication as outlined below.
3. Ensure we are exploring the most resource-efficient design and printing options in light of changing industry standards and practices.