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Data Consultant

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I. Introduction

Venice Community Housing (VCH) supports and builds equitable and inclusive communities by providing affordable housing with supportive services, education, employment programs, and public policy advocacy that advances racial and economic justice. VCH is a community-based nonprofit organization engaged in a variety of housing and community development programs. VCH owns and manages 252 units of affordable and supportive housing, as well as 28 units of interim housing, and is in a period of growth with an additional 500 units in predevelopment and/or construction stages.?

Venice Community Housing (VCH) is seeking proposals from qualified data consultants to support our organization in achieving the following objectives related to internal data system design, data collection, and analysis/reporting.

II. Objectives

Internal Data System Design:
Develop a comprehensive data collection and evaluation system that enables the quantification and measurement of demographic data.
Design a system to measure and evaluate the experience of current clients within groups facing disproportionate lack of access to affordable housing, disparities in housing retention, or other disparities.
Data Collection Tools and Process:
Propose and implement tools and processes for collecting and quantifying demographic data.
Develop tools and processes for collecting and quantifying the experiences of current clients facing disparities in access to affordable housing or housing retention.
Staffing Capacity:
Work with VCH to define the role and responsibilities of a Data Manager.
Measure and Reduce Disparities (in collaboration with Data Manager):
Help establish metrics to measure disparities across various dimensions, including but not limited to race, ethnicity, and other key demographics.
Develop reporting mechanisms to track and report on identified disparities regularly.
III. Proposal Submission Guidelines

Interested consultants are invited to submit a comprehensive proposal addressing the objectives outlined above. The proposal should include the following, and be no more than 4 pages:

Overview of the consultant's experience and expertise in data system design, collection, and analysis within the social services sector.
Detailed approach to achieving each of the specified objectives.
Timeline for implementation, including milestones and deliverables.
Budget estimate, including any anticipated costs for tools, technology, or personnel.
IV. Proposal Submission Deadline

All proposals must be submitted by March 8, 2024.

V. Selection Criteria

Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:

Demonstrated experience in designing and implementing data systems for social services organizations.
Clarity and feasibility of the proposed approach to achieving the outlined objectives.
Cost-effectiveness of the proposed solution.
The expertise of the consultant and any team members involved.
Timeliness of the proposed implementation timeline.
Completion of Vendor Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion survey:
VI. Additional Information

For any additional information or clarification, please contact Faisal Hussain, Director of Operations at Venice Community Housing:

We look forward to receiving your proposal and working together to enhance our data capabilities and contribute to positive change within our community.

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