The ********** Walnut Board is seeking from market to support its program to raise ********* and *********** of ********** walnuts in the US market. The CWB is looking to conduct in the USA to ********** usage and bu...United States
The USO is committed to in a * * the *** of * donors across a variety of channels. DRTV is ** a crucial part of the of this * and is seeking an Agency partner to perform the ******...Virginia,
United States
The Association of Bay Area ******** in with the Pajaro River Flood Agency ******** is from qualified for the Pajaro Bridge ********* Design Study (Pajaro BIRDS) to the * of the **********California,
United States
CESER is seeking to procure vendor contract from to create a Large ******** Model (LLM) based ******** with the of hosting a ********* LLM for NASWA, and also an * intelligence (AI) based tool for * one or more out...United States